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Are you dreaming of a big house with a swimming pool a couple of expensive cars in your garage

and a vacation home on the beach or the lake. Do you wonder how people make 5-10-15-25k a month.

Not everybody can be a high priced lawyer, doctor or engineer. Not everybody can go to Harvard, Stanford or Yale. Not everybody has rich parents that leave them a ton of money 

But there is a way for anyone from whatever walk of life to have access to the same. What ever educational background your from,  you to can have wealth in a very short period of time.

Look at Grant Cardone who started with nothing, worked as a car salesman then made hundreds of millions doing through the miracle of the internet. You don’t have to be technical we handle that, you dont have to invent the system that gets you there we did that, you don’t have to visit people, you don’t have to take up all your time traveling, you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home. We have built everything that is needed for your success and all you have to do is laser focus on one thing the customer. We sell and provide services that every business needs, wants and is essential for there success, its that simple.

So you to can have access to the same  wealth as anybody with a Ivy league quarter of a million dollar education has and a way to get it.  

With as little as a smartphone and access to the internet you can unlocked the key to this wealth, we have the tools and automation to help you capture it.

You can work as a team or as an individual its up to you we will give you all you need to succeed and open up a world which will guarantee you are always able to bring in the wealth you desire . What are you waiting for get started watch the orientation(s) that best fits you and signup for an interview. 

Advantages: Warm Leads Provided. We not only provide the sales infrastructure and the most needed business services. We provide warm leads to those business through our solicitation techniques including Email outreach done for you. List of Leads in your preferred niche with algorithm scores on who most needs the services. Outreach and marketing to thousands of decision makers on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. Marketing done for our sales personnel. 

Digital Agency Greatest opportunity for entrepreneurs that want to own a lucrative online business

Every wanted to own your own digital Agency. Or started your own and found out how hard it is setting appointments,  closing clients, doing fulfillment, creating the infrastructure, doing outreach, filling sales pipelines, maintaining software and keeping the client happy. Doing all this on a shoe string budget or while your working your 9 to 5 its nearly impossible.

Four problems with all that

  1. You have to do all the work
  2. The Sales (get the appointment, get the clients) full time job in itself
  3. You have to build the infrastructure to fulfill the orders (Know and have all the technical infrastructure in place) full time job and costly
  4. You have to do the outreach, find the customers (sales assistant) time consuming and another  full time job and costly

Not to mention all the money and time it takes to accomplish and when in place. You will only be able to handle 5 to 10 customers and not able to scale your business.

So what is the solution simple Focus on one thing and be successful at that.

That’s where we come in we have set up it up for you to succeed and get that explosive scalable income.

We call it Agency Focus. Here is how it works.

First let’s get advice from the experts first.

Grant Cardone: “If you’re not selling you’re not earning” “Everything you do in live is sales Convincing your wife what movie to watch there you go”

Sabre Subre: ”If you’re not selling its just a hobby you’re not a business” “Sales is the life blood of any business”

Every course and every Digital Agency guru that sells courses online has one theme in common they will tell you “You cant scale a digital business and break out of the problem cycle unless you focus on one aspect of the business sales. To do this on your own,  you have to hire personnel that knows and has an interest in your success. Virtual Assistance don’t go that far or deep enough to accomplish this goal and you have to manage them.

That’s where we come in, we have devised a simple way for you to be in the lucrative digital agency business and be able to 10x your income.

Here is the secret Residual income. You focus on sales, generating revenues building your monthly base income,  we focus on providing you the infrastructure and the sales assistance so you focus on generating your income We do all the grunt work that makes a salesman a success and that income follows you even if you leave.

With RISIDUAL INCOME you can achieve all this. You build your client base, based on monthly recurring income you get the initial sale commission then next month that same commission comes to you and you build on that. That’s how you capitalize on the digital market space.

Let’s face it any decent size business knows they can’t have the salesmen making the product, boxing it up, shipping it out all while trying to do outreach, appointment setting and sales call follow ups. The only ones that try that are mom and pop shops and they work 10 to 14 hour days 7 days a week and never grow their business month after month like you can.

So if you really like helping business grow their business by providing them with more customers and opportunities then digital sales and lead generation is for you.

We have everything in place for your success come join us.





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Welcome To InternetMCS 
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  • Include: Name of employer - Are you still employed - N/A First Job
  • How many Yrs Months and why you left or N/A
  • Appointment Setter and / or Closer
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